Dear artfriends!
Welcome to my world of art. I am a Dutch artist, mastering all types of media that bridges fysical and artificial expression, both manmade and digitally altered. My homebase is Amsterdam.
After my graduation in Arts, I was one of the few selected artist to get a degree in Web Interaction Design in 2001. We started internet as a commercial and artistic medium in Eindhoven, homebase of Philips.
My 2D-artwork is still 'taming' digital means to make human artistic expression as truthfull as possible.
Above all, my artwork has to express a genuine feel of human culture, a human touch in body, building, nature. Pre- dominantly sensual, appealing as a touch of skin, moisture or temperature.
In order to do so, the brushstrokes, penlines or objects are digitally united, printed, redrawn, re-photographed, etcetra.
The processes and means to come to the final work, are irrelevant to me. Sometimes conscious changes are made of only a few pixels. Sometimes I even add parts of my photographed 3D sculptures to the image. Whatever the process, whatever the means, I judge my work by it's balanced feel.